
Cellular Jail

The Cellular jail, declared a National Memorial, is located at Port Blair which had stood as a mute witness to the most brutal and barbaric atrocities meted out to national freedom fighters, who were incarcerated in this jail. The jail, completed in the year 1906 acquired the name ‘Cellular’ because it was entirely made up of individual cells for solitary confinement. It originally was a seven-block structure with three stories and a central tower acting as its fulcrum comprising of honeycomb like corridors. This jail, now a place of pilgrimage for all freedom-loving people draws everyone down memory lane to the years of freedom struggle. Jail Museum open from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon and from 1:30 pm to 4:45 pm.

Corbyn's Cove Beach

The coconut-palm fringed beach, 3 kilometers away town is ideal for swimming and sun-basking. Facilities like hotel, restaurant, bar, changing room, adventure water-sports are available here. Historical remains like Japanese Bunkers can be seen on the way to this beach. The Snake Island situated just across the beach is popular for scuba diving. The Restaurant & Beer Bar run by Tourism department provides delightful cuisine at reasonable rates in a soothing ambience on the beach.


It was the Capital of Port Blair during British and Japanese regime, prior to India’s Independence. It was named after Sir Daniel Ross a marine surveyor. It was nick name “The Paris of the East”. It is now under the supervision of the Indian Navy. This island is an ideal destination for nature walk amidst sylvan surroundings with deer’s, peacocks and exotic birds.

North Bay Island

It is also called “The Gate Way to Port Blair”. This place is famous for its coral reefs, exotic verities’ of beautiful ornamental fishes and water sports activities. The breathtaking stretch of coral bed leaves you spellbound. North Bay is the foremost snorkelling point of Andaman. Apart from snorkelling and glass-bottom boat ride, scuba diving, underwater sea walk facility is also available at North Bay.


It was started in the year 1975-76. It illustrates the four Negrioto Tribes of the Andamanese viz; the Jarawas, Sentinels, Great Andamanese, the Onges and two Mongoloid tribes of the Nicobar Viz; the Nicobariese and the Shompens. It not only describes the life style of the nomadic tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Island but also defines their stage by stage development till the present age. The articles on display are the various handicrafts, tools, weapons, arts and crafts, and photographs etc.